This product is listed in: Counter Surveillance

Handheld Spectrum Analyzer 9kHz – 9.4GHz

Product number: PKI 4395

Based on an entirely new method of spectrum analysis, PKI 4395 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer 9kHz – 9.4GHz allows for an incredibly high input sensitivity. The detection of interference sources and their causes, the identification of frequency and signal amplifiers, measurement, and evaluation even of the most complex limit values – all this is possible with PKI 4395. Examples of PKI 4395 application are the analysis and measurement of e.g. WLAN, UMTS, WiFi, active radar, mobile radio, mobile phone, Bluetooth, microwave, Dect telephone, Tetra, radio transmitter, TV transmitter etc.

Frequency range9kHz - 9.4GHz
AVG noise level (DANL)-155dBm (1Hz)
AVG noise level (DANL) PreAmp-170dBm (1Hz)
AbsMax level+20dBm
AbsMax level+40dBm (option)
Smallest possible sample time1ms
Up to 100 times faster sample time than Rev. 3
Up to 80 dB higher sensitivity than Rev. 3
14 bit dual ADC
DDC hardware filter
Typ. accuracy+/- 1dB
Dimensions(L/W/H) 260 x 86 x 23mm
