This product is listed in: Jamming Systems

RD Counter Drone Solution for Perimeter Security

Product number: PKI 6300

Multilayer tactical drone defence
The PKI platform provides a layered solution for detecting, locating and containing enemy drones, providing a secure environment for strategic connections or public appearances by high-ranking officials. The PKI 6300 RD Counter Drone Solution for Perimeter Security system creates a virtual protective dome over the tactical forces, preventing unauthorised drones from endangering the armed forces.

The system is based on the PKI concept and uses a modular slider architecture, with each module being a separate element that forms the jamming and sensring segments. The drone sensor and jammer are installed in portable, rugged trolley housings that can be used in harsh weather conditions that meet military standards.

Detection and Identification
Scanning segment

The PKI 6300 RD Counter Drone Solution for Perimeter Security detection techniques are based on the continuous analysis of time and frequency domains by RF sensors. Pre-installed spectral signatures of all commercially available drones are used as system database. During the recognition phase, the PKI 6300 RD Counter Drone Solution for Perimeter Security system searches for activity patterns that match the stored communication signatures of the drone. As soon as a match is found, the console warns of the drone’s detection, type and controller type.

The low false alarm rate is achieved by using a SDR-SIGINT receiver, which can detect drones based on their spectral signature, while completely ignoring the drone’s protocol data (which can be encrypted or technically difficult to capture), resulting in a rapidly evolving signature database.


The bearing sensor continuously scans the spectrum and analyzes the spectral activity around an endangered target. A single bearing sensor is not only able to detect unauthorized drones, but also to determine the direction from which the drones are trying to enter the airspace.

The identity and direction of the drone is displayed on a console.
While a single bearing sensor measurement indicates the direction of the drone, measurements from a network of bearing sensors used at different locations can be used to determine the exact location of the drone. The threat is located and displayed on the network. The accuracy of the estimated position is determined by the number of sensors used and the deployment topology.

Jamming segment

Upon detection, the system blocks communication between the drone and its operations on ISM bands as well as the GPS signal used by the drone.

The PKI 6300 RD Counter Drone Solution for Perimeter Security jammer consists of 5 bands covering all potential drone frequencies. Each band addresses a different communication channel, which is used by the drone for a different purpose;

  • Disabling the drone’s control and telemetry channel, resulting in loss of control of the drone.
  • Blocking video downlink transmission
  • Interfering with the GPS signal, disabling the drone’s navigation and stabilization capabilities

The modular design of the system allows for future upgrades and the introduction of additional frequencies and threats.


Covers all drone threats simultaneously; 433MHz, 900MHz, GPS, 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz
Passive detection and localization
Does not require visual contact with the drone
Extremely low MTTR (Mean Time to Repair), no periodic maintenance required
Based on an SDR platform that enables DDS / AWG signal generation
Omnidirectional / directional according to the requirements of the mission
Zeroize function to delete sensitive data from the system
