This product is listed in: Training Program

Training program

Product number: PKI 10000

PKI has been dealing with various types of drones, their uses, detection and elimination through our PKI-Jammers for years. This wide area requires a lot of expertise and experience, particularly in theory and practice. PKI provides this necessary knowledge in various training courses.

Through our specialists you will be expertly guided, especially in the practical application, that is, the user learns to fly different drones, which weight classes are required for which observations, and so forth.

Depending on the application requirements, a concept is worked out in cooperation between PKI and the customer and the subsequent delivery is carried out according to requirements.

PKI Training and Consultancy

  • Wide spectrum of specialist subjects
  • Tailor-made to customer´s requirements
  • Highly skilled training personnel
  • Fully protected and secure training centre
  • In-house accommodation for students


Services (Training and Consultancy) form an important and often integral part of implementing a successful security operation. A major factor in PKI´s philosophy is the conviction, that training and understanding of products and technology are a critical factor and major strength in finding successful security solutions.

PKI´s Training Services (Training and Consultancy) provide specialist courses covering a wide range of topics. The exact requirement, scope, style and level of training is normally defined after a fact-finding visit to the end-user’s location. During this meeting with the client and final user of PKI´s products the gain of specific knowledge will be determined and a syllabus of the coming training-course is defined. Every service provided can and will be individualised to meet our client’s requirements.

PKI´s highly trained personnel consist of only selected engineers with very special skills who are called upon by many governmental security organisations to give advice and consultation. Key factors are flexibility, personalised service, professionalism and utmost discretion. Total integrity and security of the client’s information is guaranteed at all times.

The training centre is located on our own 20.000 square meters territory in Lütjensee (30 min. away from the centre of Hamburg) allowing the necessary outdoor exercises and system training in a secure environment without any external interference or disturbance. The complete area can be protected by security guards if requested.

The whole range of Training Services includes seminars in the fields of:

1) Surveillance
Including courses on academic basis, general techniques & equipment, audio surveillance, video surveillance, still photography, mobile surveillance, vehicle tracking, maintenance and service etc.

2) Counter Surveillance
Including courses on basic threats, professional threats, general techniques and equipment, countermeasure methods, countermeasure devices etc.

3) Crime Investigation
Including courses on photography, evidence collecting, analyst database etc.

4) Protective Security
Including courses on static location, close protection, VIP security, VIP drivers and team leaders etc.

5) Methods of Entry
Including courses on basic systems, advanced systems, techniques and equipment on how to gain access to closed rooms etc.

6) Anti Riot/ Anti Drugs
Including courses on EOD/IED disposal, basic demolitions, advanced demolitions, sniper, narcotic detection etc.

In each of these specialised seminars detailed understanding is passed on in academic bases, possible threats, maintenance and service, techniques and equipment plus the knowlegde about every feature of PKI´s products and how to use these with a maximum of effectiveness.

Why is a training program with PKI Electronic Intelligence GmbH so important?

All over the world, significant changes of the political influences are recognizable. These challenges must necessarily be met.

This determines the social life of the population and decides about riots, terrorist attacks or peaceful and prosperous coexistence. To keep pace with the technical possibilities, to get to know what really happens in a country, information is essential. And this is true for every country in this world.

To gain access to this important information, often unorthodox methods are necessary, particularly as this is a very sensitive topic where confidentiality has top priority.

Nevertheless, the governments have taken the responsibility to govern their respective country peacefully and successfully. For this area of total control, PKI not only produces the required equipment, but trains and instructs the responsible persons of the various ministries, such as Law Enforcement, Military, Government Agencies etc. Without theoretical knowledge there will be no success, independently of the equipment used. And this is aggravated by the rapid technological development in the world

market. In order to be always „up to date”, PKI wants to help that also in the future the responsible persons get the best formation and advanced training, i.e. PKI Training Programs should always be given priority for the reasons already mentioned.

The PKI Training Program must be No. 1 „Knowledge is power“.

Training Program Overview

PKI Electronic Intelligence offers training courses as we are convinced that understanding of products and technology are most important for a successful operation. The training courses are held at our own premises, located on our own 20.000 square meters territory. The training centre allows the necessary outside exercises and systems training in a secure environment without any external interference or disturbances.

The ground floor consists of 2 comprehensive equipped training class rooms including workshops, offices, 2 show rooms and the main dining room with adjacent central kitchen including cooking staff for preparation of daily meals.
The upper floor is designed for the accommodation of up to 12 students in single apartments. Each comfortably designed apartment is equipped with sleeping room, bathroom and some of them are equipped with their own kitchen.

The following training courses are available:

Training Course Overview “Surveillance”
Academic CourseBasic Mathematics4 weeks
General English Language
Computer Studies
Basic Electronics
Techniques & EquipmentAudio & Video Surveillance4 weeks

or adapted to client's requirements and equipment selection
Body worn operations
Room surveillance
Telephone tapping
Vehicle eavesdropping
Laser monitoring
Infrared monitoring
Optical systems
Audio/Video transmission
Audio/Video enhancement
Low noise drilling
Protection against counter measure
Tactical deployments
Search and inspection techniques
Audio SurveillanceWired/Wireless Systems3 weeks
or adapted to client's requirements and equipment selection
Body worn operations
Room surveillance
Telephone tapping
Laser monitoring
Infrared monitoring
RF & GSM transmission
Graphic/Parametric equaliser
Audio enhancement
Tactical deployments
Training Course Overview “Surveillance”
Video SurveillanceSurveillance3 weeks

or adapted to client's requirements and equipment selection
PCB cameras
PCB camera lenses
Long range lenses
Open area surveillance
Room surveillance
Body worn surveillance
Day/Night video
Image intensifiers
Infrared illumination
Camouflage Recovering
Low noise drilling
Vehicle fits
ISDN / analogue telephone
Video transmission RF
Rigid / flexible endoscopes
Remote control
Enhancement & filter
Video enhancement
Stand alone system
PC based system
Still photographyTraditional Photography2 weeks
Film processing
Digital Photography
Digital Imaging
Image Intensifiers
Surveillance Course I:
Static Surveillance
Personal Security2 weeks
Orders & Briefings
Dress & Appearance
Surveillance Course II:
Foot Surveillance
Personal Security2 weeks
Covert fits
Orientation & map studies
Dress & Appearance
Information reporting
Surveillance Course III:
Mobile Surveillance
Covert fits2 weeks
Orientation & map studies
Evasive & defensive driving
Information reporting
Vehicle trackingTracking methods2 weeks

alternatively 1 week
w/o GSM & GPS
RF beacon & Directional Finding DF
RF System components
Covert installation
GSM + GPS tracking
Mapping software
Vehicle & object preparin
Practical exercises
Training Course Overview “Surveillance”
Maintenance & ServiceTheoretic backgroundDepends on the type
and range of selected
Function of equipment
Electronic boards and circuits
Circuit diagrams
Trouble shooting
Board & part exchange
Measuring & testing equipment
General Maintenance
Electronic Counter SurveillanceAnalogue threatsBasic training:
3 weeks
Manual search methods
Electronic search methods
RF detection & locating
BasicCable checkingAdapted training
depending on client's
requirement and
equipment selection
Spectrum analysis
Microphone detection
IR & Laser threats
Software help tools
Sweep planning & concept
Active protection
Electronic Counter SurveillanceIncluding - Basic -Basic training:
5 weeks
Digital threats
Spread Spectrum
AdvancedFrequency hoppingAdapted: Depending on
client's requirements
and equipment selection
Manual & optical search
Electronic search methods
RF detection
Location of bugs
Telephone cable checking
Mains cable checking
Spectrum analysis
Microphone detection
IR threats
Smart attacks
Attacks through PBX
Attacks via ISDN
Software help tools
Sweep planning
Sweep concept
Training Course Overview “Crime Investigation”
Scenes of crime
Crime scene protocol2 weeks
Choice of equipment
Techniques of exposure
Traditional photography
Digital photography
Digital Imaging
Photos as evidence
Specialist techniques
Practical exercises
Training Course Overview “Crime Investigation”
Scenes of crime EvidencePreservation of crime scenes2 weeks
Preservation of evidence
Fingerprint techniques
Footprint moulding
Investigation & Analyst
Range of training courses to meet the
requirements of analysts and investigators and
technical database developer
Varies according to the level of courses adapted to the client's
Basic Course
Investigators & Analysis
Operational Users
Technical Users
Designer & Researcher
Training Course Overview “Protective Security”
Protective Security
Static Location
Threat identification2 weeks
Terrorist operations
Information & Office Security
Personal Security
Protective Security
Close Protection
Threat identification2 weeks
Terrorist operations
Personal Security
Escort organisations
Attack procedures
Weapon handling
Protective Security
VIP Drivers
Threat Identification1 weeks
Terrorist operations
Vehicle security
Convoy procedures
Evasive & defensive driving
Protective Security
Team Leader
Threat Identification1 week
Security levels
VIP protection
Protection profiles
Counter sniper & attack
Training Course Overview “Covered Methods of Entry”
Basic SystemsTheory of locking mechanismsStandard: 2 weeks

Adapted: depending on
client's requirements
and equipment selection
Introduction to lock pick tools
Lock recognition
Making of tools
Various methods of entry
Office Equipment
Key pressing and recording
Key cutting
Advanced SystemsRecognition3 weeks
Alarm systems
PIR systems
Introduction to safes
Forces entry
Training Course Overview "Anti Riot"
Explosive Ordnance Device (E. O. D.) DisposialBasic chemistry of explosives3 weeks
Basic explosives
Classification of explosives & ammunition
Ammunition design principles
Ammunition & explosive markings
Demolition stores & accessories
Explosives safety & handling
Methods of initiation & misfire drills
Theoretic basic of disposal
Disposal of blinds & uxo's theory
Remote equipment
EOD specialist equipment
Demonstration of explosives
Dry training exercises
Confidence testing
Live exercises
IED philosophy
IED types & construction
Commercial & home made explosive (HME.)
IED disrupters
IED team manual equipment
Remote equipment
Duties of an IED team No. 2
Incident control point drills
Improvised Explosive Device (I.E.D.) DisposalQuestioning techniques & task
Appreciation3 weeks
Basic search techniques
Access & render safe procedures
Vehicle clearance procedures
Manual operations
Military booby trap mechanisms
Equipment practice
Practice exercises
Safety rules
Electrical rules
Rules for detonation cord
Initiation sets
Electriv & flash initiation
Ring mains & mains lines
Explosive Demolitions (Basic)Standaed charges2 weeks
Steel cutting
Wood cutting
Attack methods
Booby trap switches
Practical Exercises
Training Course Overview “Anti Riot”
Safety rules4 weeks
Mines & improved mines
Remote type ambush
Advances steel cutting
Pressure & concussion charges
Pier footing charges
Explosive Demolitions
Landing site construction
Attack methods and profiles
Target RCCE formats
Tactical targets
Bridge types and construction
Incendiary devices & procedures
Home made explosives
Improvised explosive devices
Practical exercises
Training Course Overview “Anti Riot – Anti Drugs”
BasicSniper beginners1-2 weeks
AdvancedSniper veterans
Tactical OperationsEmergency team officers
Tactical CommandSWAT team leaders
Obedience Evaluation and Training8 - 12 weeks
(Dog training)
Basic Safety Considerations
Basic Detection Training
Dog’s Sense of Smell
Scent Association
Narcotic Detection
Dog Training
Improving Indication Skills
Building Search Strategies and Patterns
Vehicle Search Strategies and Patterns
Luggage and packages
Open area searches
Handler training
