This product is listed in: Video and Night Vision Systems

Laser Range Finder

Product number: PKI 5110

  • PKI-5110-Laser-Range-Finder

    PKI 5110 Laser Range Finder

Measuring the distance to a possible target always is essential in cases where an unobstrusive alignment to this is necessary in order to choose one of the specific listening devices like our Laser Monitoring Device PKI 3100 or our Infrared Observation System PKI 3200. Any special task forces, may it be from police or military departments, should have the PKI 5110 Laser Range Finder as an essential tool for their purposes. This hand held and low-weight Laser Range Finder perfectly matches to these requirements and is as easy to handle like an ordinary binocular. By looking through the Laser Range Finder you can obtain the right direction (in case of the use of one of a.m. devices or directional antennas for wireless monitoring and/or any other listening devices) and by pushing a button, automatically and within a second the right distance to the object will be digitally displayed. The binocular is equipped with transmitter- receiver and allows measurements up to 10km distance. The Laser Range Finder exactly measures the distance and angle and the results are shown on the integrated LCD indicator. The reported measurements will help to choose the right objective for optical observation systems and the right angle for directional microphones or antennas.

Field of view8° = 140m width at 1.000m distance
Eye relief13.5mm
Exit pupil3.6mm
WeightApprox. 425g
Dimensions6 x 14,5 x 14,2cm
