This product is listed in: Video and Night Vision Systems

Video Drone with unlimited Flying Time

Product number: PKI 5625

Today, the existence of flying drones is absolutely justified. Fast monitoring operations from any desired altitudeand with any operating range are thus rendered possible. Our PKI 5625 is designed for another interesting monitoring option, namely long-term monitoring. Standard flying drones are not suited for this. The PKI 5625 take-off and landing platform is located on the roof of a conventional vehicle with a cable connection to the flying object. PKI 5625 with integrated camera can take-off from there up to an altitude of 30m. Power is supplied via  a cable. The camera constantly analyses the position in space and automatically directs PKI 5625 to the specified position.

Dimensions Drone 1m x 1m x 0.55m, Landing Platform 1.2m x 1m x 0.43m
WeightDrone 4.2kg
Carrying capacity1kg
Flying altitude30m
Power supply12VDC/ 80A
PositioningAutomatic take-off/ landing and positioning
Video transmissionVia WLAN
Manual controlPan, tilt, zoom
MiscellaneousDriving with an active flying drone is possible up to a driving speed of 20km/h
